Loving What Is
(The Work of Byron Katie)

This is my favourite worksheet of Byron Katie’s, I call it a Shouldsheet, anywhere you see the word ‘Belief’ below, you can also use the word ‘Should’, tap the image below to download a PDF version to save and print whenever you need to.


Note: The information shared on this page is in NO way a substitute for expert professional care. You can buy the Loving What Is book or any of Katie’s books through Amazon or at a good bookstore, you can also download her audiobooks through Audible too, they’re clearer and much easier to navigate than the YouTube video above. I first listened to the Loving What Is audiobook in January 2005, then attended Katie’s school for The Work in October that same year, here’s my certificate of completion.

4 Improvement Principles

1. Improvement After Movement


2. Great Results Indicator


3. Memorize, Model, Master


4. Plant, Nourish, Flourish